Annual Reviews for Pupils

The Annual Review Procedure

A date is set at the beginning of the school year for the annual reviews to be held. The LA is informed of this Annual Review Schedule with an open invitation to attend all review meetings.

Please look at the Annual Review Guide for Parents, which can be downloaded from the link at the end of this page.
The reviews are held as follows:

 Year 14, 13, 9

 Autumn Term

 Year 12, 11, 10

 Spring Term

 Year 8, 7

 Summer Term


Informing parents and other professionals

Two weeks before the set date for the annual review a letter is sent out to invite parents and any professionals involved with the pupil to the meeting. Follow up phone calls are made where appropriate.

Gathering information

The following information is collated for the review:

  • the latest end of year school report;
  • the latest ILP;
  • recent Assessment Summary;
  • record of attendance;
  • speech and language assessment if the pupil has complex language difficulties;
  • speech and language report if the pupil receives SLT;
  • report from BESS (Brent Educational Support Services) if the child has impaired hearing or vision;
  • EP report if needed;
  • physiotherapy report if needed;
  • occupational therapy if needed;
  • psychotherapy/ drama therapy report if needed;
  • CAMHS report if needed;
  • medical reports;
  • other relevant reports or information.

Attendance at the review

Parents, carers and all professionals who are currently involved with the pupil receive an invitation to attend the review. If professionals cannot attend they will be asked to submit the written report in advance of the review. Professionals involved may include:

  • drama therapist
  • counsellor
  • physiotherapist
  • occupational therapist
  • speech and language therapist
  • social worker
  • psychiatrist
  • educational psychologist
  • health visitor or other health practitioner
  • careers advisor (at years 9, 10 & 11 reviews)

If the parents cannot attend the review on the date or time offered every attempt will be made to agree a mutually convenient time and date. If parents are unable to attend then issues that need to be raised will be discussed on the telephone.

Every effort will be made to enable parents to attend the annual review.

The Role of the Educational Psychologist

The EP will be asked to complete a psychological assessment if the pupil’s placement or provision is under discussion. An assessment may also be requested if the parents or the school have raised concerns. In some cases the EP will be present at the Annual Review.

Co-ordination of the reviews

  • the deputy head with responsibility for annual reviews coordinates the review process;
  • at the end of a set of reviews the papers are duplicated and sent to the LA;
  • the decision to amend the Statement or funding banding allocation is made by the LA although the school will make recommendations based on the evidence gathered in school;
  • then the LA has received the review papers and no changes are needed the LEA then informs the school in writing and the pupil review papers are placed in the pupil file;
  • when changes are made to the Statement the LA informs the school in writing and the amended Statement then follows; the amended Statement is then placed in the pupil file.
  • if the objectives in the Statement are changed then the amended objectives will  be placed in the pupil’s ILP folder.


Annual Reviews for Pupils Date  
Annual Review Information for Parents Booklet June 2022 01st Jun 2022 Download