Term Time Holidays


Please complete following application form to request permission for your child to be absent from school during term time. Before completing the application form, please read these notes carefully:

  • The Legal Position - Education Act 1996. The parent or guardian of every child of compulsory school age has legal duty to ensure that their children receive efficient, full time education by attendance at school or otherwise. The law states that you do not have the right to take your child out of school for holidays during term time.
  • Woodfield actively discourage holidays taken during term time. We do not allow term time holiday unless it is an exceptional circumstance and you have evidence to support this. Any requests for term time leave must be made in advance. This has to be approved by the Head of school.
  • In deciding whether to authorise your child’s absence and give permission for leave, the Head of school will look at their current school attendance, the time and duration of the leave requested and the learning that will be missed. A decision letter will be sent to you after we have received the completed application form for term time leave.
  • If Woodfield refuse your application and you still take your child out of school, the absence will be treated as unauthorised.  All unauthorised holidays/leave will be referred to your local authority’s Education Welfare Service which may lead to you being issued with a penalty notice or fine.

Having read these notes, if you still wish to apply for leave then please complete the application downloadable from below and return to the Parent Liaison Office in advance of the proposed date/s as possible.  

We hope that when you have read this information you will consider that your child’s education is too important to take holidays during term time.


Woodfield School - Application for Term Time Leave