RSE Policy


We keep the well-being of our learners at the forefront and are inspired to enable our students to grow into responsible adults who can take care of their relationships and personal safety while preparing for adulthood in modern Britain. 
This policy emphasises the importance of developing and maintaining relationships in a safe and self-assertive way. Aspects of Sex education are taught in line with the cognitive ability of the student.  

This policy broadly covers the following 

  • Defining Relationship and Sex Education 
  • Why Relationship and Sex Education is to be taught? 
  • Making the RSE policy Dynamic: Role of PSHE Lead, involvement of parents, teachers and students in developing and reviewing the policy.  
  • How will it reflect the views of teachers, parents and pupils? 
  • Who approves the Policy
  • The subject content, how will it be imparted and who is responsible for teaching it? 
  • How will Relationships and Sex Education be monitored and evaluated? 
  • Parents’ right to withdrawal; 
  • Requirement on Schools in Law e.g. Equalities Act, 2010 and Schools: Departmental advice
  • Plan and dates for reviewing the policy by pupils, teachers, parents and governors. 

The policy can be downloaded below:


Dynamic RSE Policy 2024-2025