Woodfield School Vision

About our School 

Our Mission 

At Woodfield School we provide a secure, enjoyable and stimulating place to learn where our pupils feel proud of what they have achieved. We have a curriculum that is practical and engaging where teachers have high expectations that challenge and meet the needs of our pupils in this multicultural school. We develop skills for independence in preparation for an active role in society and we maintain close contact with home, making parents and carers feel welcome in school enabling them to play a part in the education of their children. 

Our Vision: 'Creating a Community of Lifelong Learners' 

We strive for all our pupils to become successful learners and ensure all their endeavours are valued. We reward and recognise every step pupils take on the journey to reach their full potential. As a school community we celebrate success with pupils in all aspects of their learning experiences through accreditations and the vocational pathways they choose. We want all learners to leave Woodfield on clear, personalised pathways leading to further education, independence, employment opportunities, social inclusion, and healthy lifestyles.  

Curriculum Intent 

‘Creating stimulating and aspirational learning experiences that prepare all students for adulthood.’  


       Our Values- 'The Bill of Rights' 
  • We believe in democracy - we have a voice and can say what we need and what helps us learn. 
  • We believe in the rule of law - the school rules keep us safe 
  • We believe in individual liberty - we make the right choices 
  • We believe in mutual respect and toleration of different faiths and beliefs - we are all different and we respect this. 


       Our Priorities - over the next three years we will: 
  • Continue to personalise learning opportunities which reflect our rationale for the curriculum, our assessment procedures and refinement of our curriculum offer  
  • Continue to set aspirational pupil centred outcomes on Education Health and Care plans that prepare for adulthood and transition into the wider community 
  • Implement and embed the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy throughout the school for pupils and staff 
  • Deliver high quality CPLD to ensure teachers and support staff are appropriately skilled and have an impact on pupil progress.  
  • To view our latest Ofsted reports, please click here. The reports from before our academy conversion are available here
  • To view our latest School Performance Table, please click here
  • To view key data and links to reports, please click here
  • If you would like hard copies of any document on the school website, we can supply these free of charge. Please contact the office with your request



